Alternative universe: Humans, ants and mice

In an alternate universe, how is life for the human species? The human species is a threat to the existence of the billions of other species that exist in this world. We squash and trod and spray, shoot and slaughter, then cook and eat. With a sizable number of the population believing in Karma’s ideology, what you do is reciprocated. Is it being done in another dimension? However, there are many theories that will explain as to why the human species is the predominant species on the earth as far as knowledge is concerned.

We can use the lesser species and observe how they carry out their daily activities to better our lives. Scientists have been studying and using mice and monkeys as test subjects for ages. Their findings are and will be applied to the human race. We are not that different, we have the advantage of walking on two limbs, leaving us with an extra two limbs. We also have a higher brain capacity, thanks to evolution and our creator. These are the thoughts that constantly bombarded Viktor. He was a brilliant young lad and he had changed his name from the common Victor.

Viktor had a fascination with behavioral science and the brain activity. Unlike the boys his age who put up posters of their favorite red Ferrari or a stunning beauty, stuff of dreams. Viktor had MRI scans on every inch of the walls and he fancied himself as being a scientist. Viktor would study the posters he had, shut up in his room, passing urine in a bottle and throwing it outside the window. Viktor called it flying toilet and he would have an evil grin on his face as the projectile flew  through the air.

He had an ant farm and mice that he would study the way they behaved. First he studied how the two species; ants and mice went about collecting their food. Viktor scribbled in his journal their behavior.

“Ants: – They work together, day in day out, collecting bits of food and keep it in storage. The level of team work portrayed by these small creatures is extraordinary…

Mice: – They are extremely fast and snatch food for just a moment in time. They hardly store any for their brains are low in capacity and do not recognize the uses of saving. This behavior leaves the mice vulnerable and in the case of lack of food, they will starve and die.”

How Viktor loved being a scientist. He adored Albert Einstein and Leonardo DaVinci for their progressive minds in the field of science. He hoped to one day be that great. Marie Curie’s poster was his substitute for the posters of Playboy playmates’ posters his mates had.

“Why are you so weird?” his classmates would enquire.

“Why are you so basic, like carbon copy, none of you have a sense of individuality, uniqueness”, Viktor would retort back. For this reason, Viktor was a lonely lad. He walked alone to and from school and sat by himself at lunch. Viktor consoled himself that he had enough science to survive the end of the world, through a zombie apocalypse.

In the midst of all this, life to Viktor was full of ants and mice. He would compare the behaviors of his friends and compare with that of his classmates and he would have an evil laugh. He was determined to bring the aspect of behavioral science into the perspective of the ordinary mind of a youth. Viktor had a vision, to help shape the behavior of his fellow youths to gain independence at the earliest age possible. He had to gain qualification and be a scholar in behavioral science. Thus, Viktor tireless worked hard as well as smart and it was mind boggling for the adults he would bombard with questions.

Taking into perspective the behavioral differences of Viktor’s test subjects, it is easy to learn and associate with the findings. Ants have been recognized to work hard more or less second to the bee. They have immense sense of making the hay while the sun shines, always raking up food and storing it in their burrows. Ants have a systematic and coordinated approach to performing tasks. There are work ants, soldier ants and the queen, all aware of their functions, never slacking off. All an ant does is for the common goal of the colony.

Mice, a good example Jerry mouse, from the infamous cartoon, ‘Tom & Jerry’, wakes every day, and it’s a game of ‘get chased and in the process, I’ll grab something to eat’.  Mice barely think ahead, just wants satisfaction for a particular moment in time. They have no sense of team work. As the old adage goes, united we stand, divided we fall, it thus becomes easier for their natural predators easier to hunt them down. It was this kind of behavior that Viktor studied, alone in his room.

As Viktor gave the speech on his graduation, he was proud to be the valedictorian, and he emphasized on the importance of behavioral training on children and youths. As he received his certificate, he was grad that he had carefully analyzed the behavior of these two animals. The sky was just but a smoke screen as to how far he could reach. Viktor, the weird kid on the block, was now envied by his class mates for he had persisted on being weird, now he was shaping lives.

Behavior can be traced to the functioning and mental stability of the mind. Through the careful training, we can be able to achieve a generation of responsible citizens. It’d bring about the age of a new world order. This generation of the new world order would be in a better position to face the world. Like the ant, the aspect of team work and ability to save up for a rainy day is essential to independence of children and youths. The mice on the other hand will forever be dependent to the point of arrogant persistence.

In an alternate universe, would the ant admire the behavior of humans and make them want to ape any of them? Would the disorganized mice, look at humans and wish to lead a better life? The human species is faced with a task of creating a generation of perspective and positivity.